The red circle shows a track that clearly has two parts to it. This type of indention would not be found if the track was created by a single foot.

Another good example showing this is most likely a quadraped. You can see where the front legs of the animal have left the impact area.

Yet another showing what the investigator is claiming to be "splayed toes". It is unnreasonable to think a large foot made this track.
Some are claiming these are Bigfoot tracks. As of today, with the evidence at hand and after reviewing said evidence, we find it to be a GIANT leap to say these are Sasquatch tracks. Our initial response to the photos brought thoughts of coyote, rabbit, fox...any smaller quadraped could have easily and most likely left that trackway in accordance with the amount of snow that was on the ground.
Until more clear evidence comes to light about this incident we have no choice but to say it's a big nothing sandwich. We don't have a problem with people posting this type of evidence, but to call it Bigfoot and demand others to debunk the claims is really foolish. It is the presenter's job to show the evidence in the best possible light, and make the argument for that case.
Again, if you are excited about this type of evidence after you have looked at it for a while, you need to re-examine just how you analyze and scrutinze data. It will only make you a better researcher.
TC @ Squatch Inc.
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