Tim "The Wildman", co-founder of The Sasquatch Research and Investigative Organization Squatch Inc., discusses the Remer Lake trail cam image during an interview with the hosts at AM 1500 KSTP St. Paul, Minnesota on December 11th.
You can listen to the interview in it's entirety HERE
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Bigfoot !!! ... Or maybe not...
Whether or not you pay attention to Bigfoot related topics in Minnesota, you have probably stumbled across the latest purported image of a Bigfoot taken by a trail cam near Remer Lake, MN.
This image (courtesy of Bemidji Pioneer) shows what some Minnesota Bigfoot Researchers believe is a bigfoot. I honestly have no idea how these researchers could come to such a conclusion but here is a quote from The Dickinson Press, "When Sherman saw the image the Kedrowskis sent him, Tim said the researcher responded that he believes it is a picture of a Bigfoot. Sherman went with the Kedrowskis to the photo site and measured the height of the creature in comparison to the sapling next to it. He determined the animal is about 7 feet tall."
The article in it's entirety can be found here. The Dickinson Press
The photo in question is an absurd attempt at a prank or hoax. I am truly amazed that some people actually went to the location to investigate this photo of a person in a suit.
These types of photos or videos are common place throughout various internet venues, i.e. youtube, photobucket and the lot of media sharing sites. 99.9% of them are clearly fakes to anyone using common sense in evaluating them. This particular situation veers from the norm when people who call themselves researchers take an opportunity to exploit such a photo.
Based upon the article it would seem that that owner of the photo contacted the researchers first and then the media outlet was informed of the photo. Since it's clear to me that at least one of the researchers has had prior contact with the paper, I would then conclude that the researchers went to the paper with this photo. That leads us to the actual article, which in it the researchers seem willing to speculate that this might be a photo of a Sasquatch.
Now, my initial thoughts when first viewing the photo were that I thought this was clearly a cheap monkey suit. This hasn't changed for I can draw no other conclusions based on what I'm looking at.
I feel when researchers go public heralding junk data like this, claiming that trail cam photos of monkey suits may be evidence of Bigfoot, it only facilitates more of the same from certain researchers and pranksters.
It's hard to blame certain media outlets for running the article however, for they are looking for a story and probably have no idea how to evaluate such a photo, but the researchers investigating this should know better. Instead they seem more than willing to play along with this and in turn they make a mockery of BF Research, whether they know it or not.
This is nothing more than a poor attempt at perpetrating a prank.
If you are looking to hit the jackpot with your "guy in a suit" trail cam pic, send that baby over to The Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Research Team, it seems you'll get your 15 minutes over there.
TC @ Squatch Inc.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
911 Dispatch Call Woman describes "Bigfoot" ???
911 Dispatch call taken on Nov. 30th 2009 in San Antonio, Texas.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Bigfoot Talk at The Grey Area
Tim and TC join the hosts of "The Grey Area" Melissa Hovey and Monica Rawlins, on Wednesday November 4th at 8pm central time. They will be discussing topics related to Bigfoot.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Salt Fork Bigfoot Expedition - American Bigfoot Society
Members of The American Bigfoot Society release their official report stemming from an April 2009 expedition that took place in Salt Fork State Park, Ohio.
Click the link to view the official report.
Click the link to view the official report.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Bigfoot ? Kentucky Backyard Bigfoot
This video was aired on CNN. Squatch Inc. makes no claims as to what the object in question is. The image does not offer enough detail to make any concrete judgements.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Autumn Williams' Bigfoot Blog...A must read!!!
If you haven't already, we highly recommend you check out and subscribe to Autumn Williams' blog, also known as The Oregon Bigfoot Blog. Autumn is a dedicated and hardworking researcher and her work in this field is clearly represented through her website and blog.
Check them out!
Check them out!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Nite Callers talk Bigfoot on Blogtalk Radio

Tim and TC will be guests on The Nite Callers Show, Sunday Aug. 23rd at 6pm central time. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nitecallers
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Bigfoot Twitter
You can now follow Squatch Inc. on Twitter! We are currently in the process of planning an upcoming expedition. We have a target window set for sometime in the next 3-5 weeks. We will post our progress on our twitter page.
Squatch Inc.
Squatch Inc.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
SquatchCast Radio: Bigfoot Talk--Larry Battson
Mr. Larry Battson is a nationally known wildlife expert and resides in Indiana. He also runs a non profit organization, Wildlife Educational Services, INC. Which can be found at www.larrytheanimalguy.com. Mr. Battson has been studying the Bigfoot phenomenon for the past 30 years and has recently given an interview to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This interview took place last Tuesday june 9th and was then broadcast to all the Department of the Interior and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service television feeds. This simulcast reached tens of thousands of people around the Country. On Tuesday evening, Larry spoke at a public Lecture hosted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at its National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV.
Is the government changing its tune on Bigfoot? Well ask Larry that question and many more. Join us June 16th at 8pm central time. www.blogtalkradio.com/squatchcastradio
Is the government changing its tune on Bigfoot? Well ask Larry that question and many more. Join us June 16th at 8pm central time. www.blogtalkradio.com/squatchcastradio
Monday, June 15, 2009
Bigfoot News: Larry Battson interviewed by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bigfoot History was made, June 9th, 2009 at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The team that made this Historic day possible was the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Wildlife Educator, Larry Battson. On Monday, Larry was interviewed by a U.S. Fish and Wildlife representative where Larry shared many Bigfoot sighting reports he has documented over the years. This interview was then broadcast yesterday (Tuesday) at noon to all the Department of the Interior and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service television feeds. This simulcast reached tens of thousands of people around the Country. On Tuesday evening, Larry spoke at a public Lecture hosted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at its National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV.
The National Conservation Training Center invites prominent scientists, educators, scientists and others to speak at these lectures. I attended a lecture at the training center four years ago and at that time, I never thought I would hear the word Bigfoot mentioned in that auditorium. Yesterday changed all that, The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service invited Larry to speak and officially called their lecture, Cryptozoology: Bigfoot-Myth or Reality?
Larry’s presentation was very informative and extremely educational. Over two hundred people were glued to their seats the entire night! Interested individuals continued to barrage Larry with questions in the Conservation’s main entrance area until midnight. What was so great about this presentation and why I call it a Historical day in Bigfoot research was because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service approved not only Larry’s presentation concerning Bigfoot, but they also approved and engineered the television broadcast that went out to all the Department of the Interior and the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service parks and offices.
This involvement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is unprecedented and possibly indicates a change of attitude about the Bigfoot creature’s existence. This type of production takes time and more importantly, money. I may be wrong with my thinking, but something really monumental happened last night at the National Conservation Training Center and I was honored to witness it. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife did their homework when they selected Larry Battson, Larry was the right person to person to deliver this message. Hopefully, Larry’s presentation and continued work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife will not just slip by unnoticed, I personally think there will be more to come! Please take the time to visit the National Conservation Training Center website, it’s full of valuable information about their wildlife lectures, classes and other historical information, while surfing their site, don’t forget to view the live Eagle Cam!
William M. Dranginis
Virginia Bigfoot Research Organization
Manassas, VA.
The National Conservation Training Center invites prominent scientists, educators, scientists and others to speak at these lectures. I attended a lecture at the training center four years ago and at that time, I never thought I would hear the word Bigfoot mentioned in that auditorium. Yesterday changed all that, The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service invited Larry to speak and officially called their lecture, Cryptozoology: Bigfoot-Myth or Reality?
Larry’s presentation was very informative and extremely educational. Over two hundred people were glued to their seats the entire night! Interested individuals continued to barrage Larry with questions in the Conservation’s main entrance area until midnight. What was so great about this presentation and why I call it a Historical day in Bigfoot research was because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service approved not only Larry’s presentation concerning Bigfoot, but they also approved and engineered the television broadcast that went out to all the Department of the Interior and the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service parks and offices.
This involvement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is unprecedented and possibly indicates a change of attitude about the Bigfoot creature’s existence. This type of production takes time and more importantly, money. I may be wrong with my thinking, but something really monumental happened last night at the National Conservation Training Center and I was honored to witness it. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife did their homework when they selected Larry Battson, Larry was the right person to person to deliver this message. Hopefully, Larry’s presentation and continued work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife will not just slip by unnoticed, I personally think there will be more to come! Please take the time to visit the National Conservation Training Center website, it’s full of valuable information about their wildlife lectures, classes and other historical information, while surfing their site, don’t forget to view the live Eagle Cam!
William M. Dranginis
Virginia Bigfoot Research Organization
Manassas, VA.
Monday, June 8, 2009
SquatchCast Radio: Bigfoot Talk Radio
On this Tuesday's show we will have a special guest by
the name of Geo. Geo has spent most of his life growing up
in Northern Minnesota along the St. Croix River that
boarders Minnesota and Wisconsin. During his time growing up
in Minnesota, Geo has had many strange occurrences happen to
him while camping, kayaking, and dirt biking on and around
the St. Croix River. Geo will explain some of his face to face
sightings with Bigfoot and what research he is
currently doing in Ohio.
the name of Geo. Geo has spent most of his life growing up
in Northern Minnesota along the St. Croix River that
boarders Minnesota and Wisconsin. During his time growing up
in Minnesota, Geo has had many strange occurrences happen to
him while camping, kayaking, and dirt biking on and around
the St. Croix River. Geo will explain some of his face to face
sightings with Bigfoot and what research he is
currently doing in Ohio.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Squatchcast Radio Presents: Mr. Doug Hajicek
Mr. Hajicek was unable to attend last weeks airing but we have rescheduled him for Tuesday night June 2nd at 8pm. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Squatchcastradio
Hope to see you there!
Squatch Inc.
Hope to see you there!
Squatch Inc.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
SquatchCast Radio

SquatchCast Radio presents Rick from MN on March 22nd at 5pm on blogtalk. Rick has had a couple sightings of the creature and some strange occurrences on his property. This is also an active research area for Tim.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Purported Bigfoot Tracks in WI
These images are taken from the BFRO website. The link can be found here. LINK

The red circle shows a track that clearly has two parts to it. This type of indention would not be found if the track was created by a single foot.

Another good example showing this is most likely a quadraped. You can see where the front legs of the animal have left the impact area.

Yet another showing what the investigator is claiming to be "splayed toes". It is unnreasonable to think a large foot made this track.
Some are claiming these are Bigfoot tracks. As of today, with the evidence at hand and after reviewing said evidence, we find it to be a GIANT leap to say these are Sasquatch tracks. Our initial response to the photos brought thoughts of coyote, rabbit, fox...any smaller quadraped could have easily and most likely left that trackway in accordance with the amount of snow that was on the ground.
Until more clear evidence comes to light about this incident we have no choice but to say it's a big nothing sandwich. We don't have a problem with people posting this type of evidence, but to call it Bigfoot and demand others to debunk the claims is really foolish. It is the presenter's job to show the evidence in the best possible light, and make the argument for that case.
Again, if you are excited about this type of evidence after you have looked at it for a while, you need to re-examine just how you analyze and scrutinze data. It will only make you a better researcher.
TC @ Squatch Inc.

The red circle shows a track that clearly has two parts to it. This type of indention would not be found if the track was created by a single foot.

Another good example showing this is most likely a quadraped. You can see where the front legs of the animal have left the impact area.

Yet another showing what the investigator is claiming to be "splayed toes". It is unnreasonable to think a large foot made this track.
Some are claiming these are Bigfoot tracks. As of today, with the evidence at hand and after reviewing said evidence, we find it to be a GIANT leap to say these are Sasquatch tracks. Our initial response to the photos brought thoughts of coyote, rabbit, fox...any smaller quadraped could have easily and most likely left that trackway in accordance with the amount of snow that was on the ground.
Until more clear evidence comes to light about this incident we have no choice but to say it's a big nothing sandwich. We don't have a problem with people posting this type of evidence, but to call it Bigfoot and demand others to debunk the claims is really foolish. It is the presenter's job to show the evidence in the best possible light, and make the argument for that case.
Again, if you are excited about this type of evidence after you have looked at it for a while, you need to re-examine just how you analyze and scrutinze data. It will only make you a better researcher.
TC @ Squatch Inc.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 15th at 5pm Squatchcast Radio will air live for the first time on blogtalk radio. We will be interviewing Joe from Ohio. He has had multiple sightings of a creature he believes to be Bigfoot. He will retell his encounters that he had during a time in his life when Sasquatch was nothing more than an after-thought.
If you can't listen to the show live, remember you can always go to Squatchcast Radio and download the podcast after the show airs.
Let's go squatchn' baby!
Squatch Inc.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
"SQUATCHCAST" A Bigfoot Sasquatch internet radio show coming soon!

TC here, Tim and I have talked about doing an internet radio show for a long time now. Well plans are in the works to launch "SQUATCHCAST" a show that will be informative as well as entertaining. We are still a few weeks away from going live but we are looking forward to bringing you the best Bigfoot talk out there.
We will be releasing the details of our maiden episode soon.
Thank you
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Squatch Inc. Carlton County MN 2008 Bigfoot Expedition Video
A brief insight detailing field operations.
Primary objective during this expedition was to capture video images via nighttime surveillance equipment. The target area was choosen based upon recent sightings in the area along with a possible early morning encounter which took place in August during a scouting mission and reported by team members Tim and Brian. The possible encounter entailed audio recordings of something that we believe to be bi-pedal in nature entering the campsite on at least two occasions. This audio can be heard at www.minnesotabigfoot.com under the Expedition tab in the Carlton County 1 section. The campsite where the incident took place is roughly a mile and a half ride by atv. Being very remote our challenge was to power and utilize our surveillance gear. We accomplished this by bringing with 4 marine batteries. Another challenge was the red glow emitted by our IR cam after dark. This glow can be seen by the naked eye and we felt would deter any BF from coming in close. To remedy this problem we wired the cam and 940 floodlight to a switch inside the tent that we would manually trip. When retiring to the tent for the night we would monitor the campsite with ultra sensitive microphones. Upon hearing anything out of the ordinary we would fire up the cam and 940 simultaneously. This required atleast two team members to lay awake with headphones on until daybreak. During the 3 night expedition we performed this tactic for the first two nights and had initiated 3 "cam on" instances. After reviewing the footage it was determined that no BF or other species of animal was caught on the camera. The last night of the expedition we let the cam run and record all night so we could sleep in preperation for our departure. After reviewing the 12 hours of footage we also came to the conclusion that no objects of significance were captured. Weather conditions were not suitable for monitoring the site with the microphones. It rained 75% of the time and was windy during the nights. We had covered the tent with a large dark tarp in order to block out any light generated by our equipment inside. We wanted to give the appearance we were fast asleep as to make for a safe environment for any visitors. The rain hitting the tarp was easily picked up by the microphones and was rather annoying but we did not vear from the game plan. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that by utilizing our equipment in this fashion we had power to spare after 4 days of usage.
This area shows great promise and we are in contact with residents nearby who are keeping us up to date with new information. We will be returning in the near future.
Any questions concerning the expedition can be asked at our forum.
www.northcentralamericasasquatch.mybb3.org in the appropriate thread.
Thank you,
Squatch Inc.
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